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News Blog

PublMe World and The Musicverse
PublMe World and The Musicverse
September 21 2022 ,

Based on the previous posts and on the Roadmap highlighted on the publme.world website we are looking for new people who would like to join us to make this happen.

Musicverse DAO is going to release the ERC-20 Token in the Ethereum blockchain for The Musicverse galaxy support as a security token. The community network may start earning of the PMC rewards which may be swapped to tokens after the launch of staking process.

Going into new world of communication, communities and media we would like to build the new future together with partner projects, builders, communities, investors to bring the best experience and sustainability. It is #TheMusicverse - For Everyone. Really.


To read the full original post please open the Education Blog link:



Educate Yourself
Educate Yourself
December 9 2021 , ,

It is explicit why the Educate module is that important and why we can consider it the main module. We firstly get the idea that we are willing to arrange or produce in a certain way and we get it through communication (which is education).

Educate Blog link
June 13 2021


Please click on the link below to open the separate blog:


PubMe Education Blog


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